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Week 5: Balletomane — Beetle-browed and beyond

Okay, no time for clever today. Let’s get straight into a week of beaut B words–some new, some strange, some surprising.

balletomane: n. a ballet enthusiast (only a balletomane would wear those shoes!)

barb: n. cutting comment (or–according to my dictionary–a horse, a pigeon, or a black dog!)

barbarous: adj. uncivilised, uncouth, or cruel

barrel-chested: adj. having a strong, thick chest

bate: to moderate or restrain (the breath) as in bated breath–all this time I’ve thought it was baited – as in…you know…fish breath! (How’s that for honesty.)

batter: v. to beat persistently hard (or perhaps try a light tempura-style coating on your fish breath!)

beetle-browed: adj. having heavy projecting eyebrows; scowling; sullen

bawdry: n. promiscuous sexual behaviour

bawdy: adj. rollickingly vulgar, lewd

beastly: adj. nasty, disagreeable (sorta what I am after a week of flooding rain!)

beau geste: n. a fine gesture often only for effect

beauteous: adj. beautiful

bedraggled: adj. wet and dishevelled (sorta what I am after a week of flooding rain!)


“They waited with bated breath before battering the beetle-browed and barrel-chested balletomane with barbarous barbs for his beau geste.”

B…b…b…bye for this week.




2 thoughts on “Week 5: Balletomane — Beetle-browed and beyond

  1. LOL baited… I *may* have been pulled up a time or two using baited instead of bated….and have never heard of beetle-browed..seriously? somehow I cant see that working… she glared at him, bettle-browed hmm or maybe… her beetle-browed glare warned him to tread carefully around her current mood….. actually I don’t know if browed is even a word……..

  2. Love your sentence, Jenn!

    Karly, my father loved to use ‘beetle-browed’ so I reckon it’s a generational thing – he’d be almost 100 if he was still alive 🙂

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