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To doff your Akubra is to…

We all know the quintessential Aussie bloke can tip, posit, place, hang, position or even frisbee his Akubra. But did you know you can…

doff: (v.t) to put or take off, as dress. 2. to remove (the hat) in salutation

(Okay, so maybe not quite quintessential Aussie, but no one doffs an Akubra like William!)

Here are a few more ‘D’ words I’ve found a place for in my current story.

dolt: n. dull, stupid fellow, blockhead (doltish)

donnybrook: n. fight, argument, brawl (Irish)

dottle/dottel: n. the plug of half-smoked tobacco in the bottom of the pipe after smoking



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When did you last ‘dandle’?

I’m back following my little ‘C’-esta and can now say ‘C’-ya to the letter ‘C’ as I prepare to dabble with the letter ‘D’ for the next few posts as my journey through the dictionary to discover new and favourite words continues.

dandle: (v.t) to move lightly up and down, as a child on the knees or in the arms

delectation: adj. delight

denouncement: n. the final disentangling of the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or novel

diamantine: adj. resembling diamonds or the properties of diamonds (diamantine sky)

diatribe: n. a bitter attack or criticism.

discordant: adj. disagreeable to the ear; dissonant; harsh

disentangle: (v.t) untangle, to become free

dishabille: n. the state of being undressed, partly dressed

disingenuous: adj. lacking in frankness, or sincerity or dressed carelessly

dizzy: you all know it, but I love it. So many wonderful ways to use this word.

(PS: I can’t believe a Google Images search actually resulted in a dandle picture!)

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More ‘C’ words: crackers after crepuscular anyone?

I continue my Year of Words with more interesting ‘C’ words.

coterie: n. 1. a group of persons who associate closely, esp. for social purposes. 2. a clique

countrified (countryfied): adj. rustic or rural in appearance

coup de grace: n. 1. a death-blow, final blow, finishing stroke

cowal: n. (colloq) a swamp or small lake left by a depression outback country

craggy: adj. 1. full of crags, broken rocks  2. rugged, rough

cracker night: ahhh! the good ol’ days – tom thumbs, fountains, roman candles, rockets, and, of course, the spinning wheel on the old dunny door. No further explanation needed!

crepuscular: adj. resembling twilight; dim; indistinct

crestfallen: adj. 1. dejected; dispirited; depressed