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Week 2: A Very Special Year of Words Post: absolution – algebracic

Today’s Year of Words post is for my mum – Shirley. That’s her a few years back.


Short story – her father (shell-shocked from WW 1) was a bit of a nut case and he made her sit down after school every day and write out the dictionary.

The outcome?

No one ever challenged Mum to a crossword!

Right now though, Mum is in hospital and a little confused (low sodium, liver/kidney disease to name a few) and talking about the nurses playing in a band in the hall at night!!!!

When I visited her today however, telling her about my Year of Words challenge, and sharing a few of my finds from this week, she smiled and started telling me the meaning and putting the words into a sentence. I smiled then too.

So my choices this week, courtesy of my Mum are…

Akimbo: to stand with one hand on a hip and bent outwards.

Ambrosia: delicious, sweet – referring to taste and smell.

Ambit: the extend or boundary (the ambit of his love…)


Here’s a few things I learned.

It’s alright to spell alright all right!

Aggro: is the correct spelling for someone with a bad temperament. (For years I’ve written agro, making them a rather rude (but funny) and obnoxious (but cute) puppet!!!!!

Adrift: (just because I like it.)

 So, taking a few of this week’s words….

She stood akimbo, determined to resist the ambrosia of his maleness!

Oh la la (Not sure I’ll be using that in my next novel, but it was kinda fun. LOL)

Hope you all learned something too. Thanks Mum. Until next week…