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Crack another bottle! It’s my one-month anniversay.

House wine memeToday marks the one-month anniversary of House for all Seasons and what a month it’s been.

I had Canadian duo – Carli and Julie – and their lovely Small Town Stories song for my online launch on March 1st.

Monday 4th was my local Coffs Harbour launch.

My Blog Crawl has kept me busy. FYI – A blog crawl is like a pub crawl: partying late, tripping barefoot from pub to pub, throwing up in your neighbour’s garden. Ahh, what memories! These days I party online (and my neighbour’s chrysanthemums are glad about that). I’ve visited some fabulous authors as part of my Blog Crawl. Check out who right here.

Then there’s been the library talks, book shop signingsmy first Writers Festival as a ridgy-didge author where I made new friends. And I’ve still managed to ‘bale up’ amazing author to add to my growing Author Harvest.

Best of all, my House for all Seasons is selling well and reviewing well.  Take a look at some reviews. I even made the Dymocks Pick of the Month in the March Australian Women’s Weekly.

But what I really want to say in this post is THANK YOU– to those you have read, are planning to read, or even contemplating House for all Seasons. (I know, I know, there are so many great books to choose from and only so many hours in the day.)

But if after reading House for all Seasons you feel inclined to share your thoughts with other readers, I would love, love, love a review or a rating (direct link to): Amazon, Goodreads, The Reading Room. They all help.

And of course, my Monday Memes have been fun so far. More to come too.

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If you’re interested in helping authors in other ways, Kate Forsyth did a fabulous post recently – Six ways you can help a starving author. (Okay, so I’m not exactly starving but you’ll get the drift.)

Thank you for dropping by my blog, sharing my journey, and helping me celebrate the first of many milestones.

Jenn J


8 thoughts on “Crack another bottle! It’s my one-month anniversay.

  1. What a month! It was wonderful to hear you speak at Belligen, you give me hope I haven’t left my run too late when it comes to this writing caper! Well done on all you have achieved.

  2. Congratulations, Jenn! What a month and so very richly deserved. May the celebrations continue.

  3. I want to know whose blog you threw up on. Happy 1 month anniversary.

  4. Let’s make that Bellingen – I did mention to you I needed a good editor.

  5. Congrats Jenn. May it be the first of many months, nay years of success.

  6. Congratulations on 1 month anniversary, it certainly is a great read I have shared it around to many friends , looking forward to many more to come.

  7. Woohoo – congrats on your one month anniversary 🙂 It’s been a busy one!

  8. […] Oh, and, it’s Jenn’s one-month anniversary and she’s done a rundown of what that has entailed. […]

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