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You are heros

Thank you for caring, for your encouragement and for your kind words (previous post) and for dropping by when I needed a lift.

You guys really are heros, knights in shining armour, Prince Charmings, whose kind words, sweet kiss or swift kick when needed (hmmm, let’s stick to kind words – LOL) can wake a sleeping, blogless damsel, turning a frog princess into a blog queen again.

Yes folk, thanks to you, I’m back!!!!!

Inspiration is starting to pump through my veins already. I can feel a blog surge building.

2010 – bring it on! (Rrrr-ribitt!)

5 thoughts on “You are heros

  1. Woohoo Jenn!! Great to see you getting your mojo back!!

  2. Yay Jenn. Can't wait to see where your inspiration takes you 🙂

  3. Go for it Jenn! The world is your oyster (or mollusc of choice).

  4. Yay!

  5. And with your wonderful 'jam potential' filled garden inspiration will came romping back home!

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