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Subscribers? This is all about YOU.

Have you ever seen an announcement like this on a blog you follow:

“Come on over and subscribe to my blog to win….” to which you have grumbled (as I have): “But what about me? I’m already subscribed to your blog and a Facebook fan. Have been for ages. What do I win?”

Well, in recognition and to say thank you to my loyal subscribers and Facebook Author Page Likers (many of you have been with me from the early days of this wild ride) I have this special treat.

Yes, there is a catch, although I am hoping the prize is worthy.

YOU can have YOUR NAME entered into a draw to win a pre-release copy of Simmering Season just by sending a friend along to sign up.

That’s right! YOU WIN! The minute I get my hands on copies next year (mid-March maybe) the book could be in the mail to YOU!


Simply ask any fiction-loving friend(s) to come home to the country right now and subscribe to (using the email capture thingy – top right of screen). YOUR FRIEND will go into a draw to win a copy of House for all Seasons and YOU will be eligible for the Simmering Season prize.

How do I know you referred someone so I can add your name?

New subscribers need to get YOUR NAME into the Simmering Season barrel by leaving the following comment:

“Knock, knock, [insert your name here] sent me.”

(But wait … Send more friends and get more Simmering Season entries.)

So this giveaway really is all about YOU, lovely subscribers. One of you will get a book and so will a friend, simply by subscribing.

Yes, I am hoping to bring the odd (take that any way you like) newsletter to readers in the coming months and that, too, will have treats, sneak peeks, and the ‘odd’ exclusive for subscribers, so perhaps it’s not a bad idea to stay subscribed.

Open to Aust/NZ subscribers (current as at: 12 December 2013). Draw to take place under strict guidelines (ie before I start drinking) on 18 December, 2013. Announced here by way of ‘subscription post!’ Posted in the mail on the 19th.

Okay, so, Due to circumstances beyond my control, Christmas arrived! So, it will be a new year pressie instead.  

UPDATE: Two cortisone injections later I can sort of type again without pain, but briefly, and long enough to jump on, thank you for your patience and understanding, and announce the winners. With so many knock knocks in the comments, there was no surprise when i pulled out the winning name: Shannon Garner (who wins the pre-releae copy of Simmering Season.) From her referrals, the winning knock, knock is…. STACY! I’ll be in touch, ladies, and arrange delivery of your books.

Just because, Gailene and Anne, your names will automatically go into the next giveaway I do! Thank you for your continued support.