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Swings and Rollercoasters

To read or not to read – that is the ultimate writer conundrum.
You see, I’ve been told I’ll never be a great writer if I am not a great reader.
For me, however, reading novels when what I really want to be doing is writing them tends to play with my head.

People say this writing/publishing game is a rollercoaster. Well, rollercoaster it may be for those already on the ride, but for me, still waiting in the ticket queue, it’s more like a swing. I find that when I do read novels my mind swings between – “I can write better than that” and “I’ll never be as good as that.” One makes me want to attack that keyboard with gusto, the other makes me want to attack it with a baseball bat.

So, to read or not to read – that is the question.

2 thoughts on “Swings and Rollercoasters

  1. To read or not to read – not so hard for me to answer that one Jenn. I only have time to do read or write – not both, lol. So these days 'not to read' usually wins out.

  2. Hi Jenn,
    Mmm, very interesting. Not long ago I was talking to a highly intelligent friend of mind and I suggested she write a book because she is just so erudite and well-read. Her response was, "I would never try to write because I would never be as good as Rose Tremain."

    I am now reading Rose Tremain, and my friend is right.

    But I'm not trying to be Rose Tremain. No point in trying to beat perfection.

    I just have to find my own voice (excuse the cliche) as we all do.

    Shayne XXX

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