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Philosophical (not photogenic) @ 50

Yes – happy birthday to me tomorrow. Do you like my celebratory wine glass?????

September 19 is the beginning of my 5th decade of living, loving and embracing a second chance. (In case you don’t recognise those words, they are my mantra, my tag-line, my writing platform on which my novels are based.)

I have no idea what the coming 50th year will bring, but I do know it will be MY year. Don’t ask me how I know. Let’s just say I can feel it in my water! (Unless that’s just one of those what-do-you-expect-now-you’re-fifty problems!)

Is my dream of publication going to come true? I sure do have everything crossed. (Which is probably also something to do with that 50 year-old bladder issue above!)

It’s said a picture paints a thousand words.
Today (my last as a 49 year old) I took a break from the computer and hit the highway. Our little road trip took in the charming towns of Ulmarra and Brushgrove, where I took photos (my inspiration for my fictional town of Calingarry Crossing). I’ll have pics of the town next time.

For now though, in anticipation of this being MY year, I found some lovely locations to play around with some promo shots (getting in practice for that professional author picture!)

Tell me which one you like (ie which one makes me look NOT yet 50!) Be kind LOL

17 thoughts on “Philosophical (not photogenic) @ 50

  1. Have a fantastic day tomorrow!!

    It's really hard to decide between the photos. I think the 3rd one would be my favourite if you were looking more at the camera, because you look so relaxed. I think I have to go for the 1st one. Although I do like the 2nd one as well – it's a bit more 'posed' 🙂

  2. Thx Kez, that relaxed laughing shot was not so relaxed 'casue a local walked by right then and told me to be careful of snakes LOL

  3. Happy Birthday, Jenn (I'd sing, but I'd more than likely spoil your birthday ). Have a fab day m'dear.

    As for photos definitely #1 (top left). Very natural looking, well framed, the background is placed better (particularly the fence)and your clothes contrast nicely (in the others the similar colour of the sky detracts the focus). At least, that's my opinion 🙂

  4. Hi Jen

    I'm with Anita. Top left is definitely the go. Casual but nice, and well framed. The light is a bit harsh in the second one and the lower one has too much country and not enough you.

  5. Happy Birthday, Jenn! I like the first one as a 'professional' shot and the last one as your natural shot. 🙂

    Hey, since it's your last night at 49, try my family's pre-birthday ritual. When you go to bed, say, "Goodbye, 49" and then thank 49 for all the good things that happened over the last year. And since it's also the end of a decade, you also thank your 40's for all they brought you.

    Then in the morning, you sit up and say, "Hello, 50!" and welcome all the great things that will happen for you this year, and this decade.

    And then you eat cake. =)

  6. #1 from me, but I also think they're all great…except now that you mention it, that relaxed laugh, could hold a touch of panic in it…..

  7. Yay love the attitude that it will be your year – keep on believing that Jenn. And have a lovely birthday tomorrow!!! Hip hip hooray.

    As for the photos. You say you are not photogenic but they are lovely and like Kez I'm finding it hard to choose. Hey why not have all three as promo photos? No, you only want one answer – let's go for no. 1 then. Phew that was a hard decision!

    And eeek on the snakes. My photo would have been a blur of me bolting up. LOL.

  8. Happy Birthday, Jenn!! Have a great day – and I'm sure it's going to be a fantastic year ahead for you! (I've got this feeling in my bones…. which could be arthritis, but probably isn't.. 🙂 )

    I like the top left photo best, too, for the reasons Anita said.

  9. Thx Bron 😉 I hope it's not arthritis too!, Rach – I love that ritual, Anita, Imelda, Kez, you obviously have a very artisit eye to pick up on the sky thing.
    Eleni and Karly – I thought he was joking until he said it again. The I bolted LOL. Thx all for the birthday wishes. Means a lot

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jenn, do you know 50 is the old 40? Yes, life begins at 50, or that's what i tell myself, LOL.

    I love the first photo. Oh, hell I love them all, but #1 for your inside book jacket (which will be coming very soon. I feel it in my waters 😉 )

    Hope you have a great day.


  11. Happy birthday to you!! Hope you're having a fabulous day, Jenn, and putting that glass to very good use!

    The three photos are lovely, but I think No 1 would be perfect on your book cover 🙂

  12. Hey Jenn, happy birthday!
    I love how you have embraced a new life & I hope that today and every day moving forward ( – I just had to say it)will keep on getting better.
    Like Rachel & others I like the first photo for a prof one.
    Hope your day is special,
    Champagne popping!

  13. Happy Birthday, Jenn!!! Hope you have a wonderful day and your new decade is filled with wonderful writing experiences — starting with the published book! I know everyone likes photo #1 but I like # 2 because it's lighter and it seems to be more just about you but my second choice would be #1.

    Jo Duncan

  14. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! You look fabulous for 50. Not that 50 is meant to be bad or anything, but you know what I mean. Right?! 😉

    I really like photo number 3 because that's how I'd imagine you'd be most of the time -laughing, enjoying life, getting up to mischief, thinking about the trouble you're putting your characters through, dreaming of the millions you'll make when the produce the film of your bestseller…

  15. Hi Jenn,
    I do hope you had a great birthday. Yah. Happy Birthday!!!

    I like the first one, it's you. 🙂

  16. Jenn

    Happy birthday for yesterday. Hope you had a fabulous day. I like the first photo best and I can already see it on a book jacket….

  17. Hey Jenn Get that photo up on Basefook, babe. Really love photo numero uno.
    Hope you had a great birthday with lots of chocs & vino,
    xxx Toni

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