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Like a kid in a candy store.

Pardon the cliche, but there is no better way to describe my Coffs Harbour Rotary Bookfest experience this morning. Thousands and thousands of pre-loved books on every conceivable topic.

With my four-step strategy, it was get outta my way everyone:

Step 1. Head to educational reference books and grab anything on writing craft.

Disappointment supreme when there is no Donald Maas, Val Parv et. al. Heart & Craft, Strunk & White LOL. Still did well with a POV book, an ancient grammar book for all those things I should have learned when I was at school, and the lovely man threw in a free Writers Marketplace 2007!!!!!

Step 2. Head to the area sign-posted ROMANCE where boxes of M&B books were on sale 10 for $1.00. I know it’s not good for royalties, but my excuse is, Rotary is a good cause and I have a very poor book budget!!!! (I also stood there with my friend saying VERY LOUDLY, “I know this author. And this one. Oooh, and this one!” LOL.)  Check out the picture for some familiar names: Robyn Grady, Fiona Lowe, Paula Roe, Annie West AND the right on top, centre stage, 1987 Valarie Parv – Man Shy. What a find!

Step 3. Head for alphabet signs: P – for Bron Parry (wishful thinking), W – Janet Woods (damn!), T – Rachel Treasure (double damn!), H – Lisa Heidke (triple dam!) Did manage to find Jennifer Cruise, Erica James, Maeve Binchy and Nicholas Sparks.

Step 4. Give in to allowing some of my book budget to go to Jeannette who drove me to the BookFest and waited patiently as I ploughed through every table – twice!

Okay, so I now know that Step one next year needs to be get there befroe everyone else!
But $50.00 later (well it would have been $50 if I hadn’t gone back in after the Rotary sausage sizzle) I’m a happy camper.

I also learned something about cover design – but that’s for another blog.

11 thoughts on “Like a kid in a candy store.

  1. What a lovely way to spend a Saturday! Loved all the loot you scored- well done!

  2. Good haul! You do know that next Saturday you'll be able to fill a green shopping bag for $10.

    Still, I will be strong.

  3. Oh dear Di, don't tell me that!

  4. but you wouldn't have got today's books next Saturday!

    I was going to drop in a box to them today but decided I wouldn't be strong enough if I got out of the car at the showground.

    Maybe I will go check it out next Saturday.

  5. You are so funny Di. I hope we get to move our meeting to 5 May. I can't wait to meet you.

  6. There is nothing better than a book sale – be it for charity or otherwise, Jenn.

    I'm with you going back over the tables twice, sometimes three or four times just to make sure I haven't missed something *lol*.

    What a great way to stack those To Be Read piles higher!

  7. Great score Jenn!! You know with the books, I'd rather the money go to a good charity, and they continue to be loved. Sharing is good for the soul and so are books.

    Happy reading!

  8. Yay Jenn, what a great pile of reading for you tbr pile.

    They have the biggest 2nd hand book sale (lifeline) in Aust in Brisbane. I go every year and there are so many tables you couldn't go through them all in a day once, let alone twice. Unfortunately, by the time I've trawled the kids books tables, I've usually run out of time to hunt for myself. But I usually pick up between 50-80 books for the kids for about $20, so time well spent. Can't wait until they are big enough to hunt for their own books though!

    And well done to Jeanette for her patience – I hope she managed to find some good books also.

  9. Ooh, what a good hunt you had! Looks like you grabbed some great bargains. Book browsing and buying is such fun, especially when they're cheap!

  10. Jenn,
    If the pic is of your purchases, then you've done well for $50.

    Now, you have to find the time to read them all!


  11. Jenn

    I hear your pain. The definition of stress is attending a conference at the Convention centre in Brisbane last Tuesday, and in the next hall was the Lifeline Bookfest. How was I going to sit still for a whole day with all that romance next door. I ran in at lunchtime and got one book. Planning on going back next year. I might hire a truck….


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