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I’m talented!

Two ordinary words giving this struggling writer an extraordinary boost.

I received a rejection letter today, and follwoing on from my whinge about rejections letters a few weeks ago, I thought I should post it.  I’m sure the agent has no idea of the impact she’s had simply by taking the time to type those two ordinary words.

 Dear Jenn:

Thanks for sending your pages. You write very well and I can see why your ms has done so well. Unfortunately, however, I think this might be tough to place with a trade house here in the current market. The “lost memory” is very common and I’m finding it difficult, absent something radically different, to successfully place.

Good luck with your work- you are very talented.

Thank you Ms Marsal. There are some people in the industry who could learn a thing or two from you.

3 thoughts on “I’m talented!

  1. Thats a great rejection letter Jenn, if there is such a thing. 😉 I love it when they give feedback. Anything helps. She sounds very nice.

  2. Hi Jenn,

    There must be something you can do to use this as a marketing tool!

    What a nice way to get rejected.

    And thanks for filling me in on Fantasy Island. I never ever watched it.


  3. I love those two words Jenn. Fantastic to see that even if it is in a rejection letter. Better luck next time.

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