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I also have a dream

Someone recently gave me feedback on my entire manuscript (based on not very much at all!)
They said it would never sell. I was told my hero was not heroic enough, my heroine was ‘scarred’ (not perfect enough) and my storyline might make people feel ‘uncomfortable’.
Part of me wanted to trash the entire 90,000 words and start again – start something that ‘fit’ with the expectations of others.
Then I saw her perform on Britain’s You’ve Got Talent show.
I know I shouldn’t use cliches like ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ but there was never a better time to use it really.
To any other writer who is struggling to maintain their own style and write the book they’ve always dreamed of – the book of their heart (thanks Marion Lennox for sharing that prase with me), take a look at this clip.
I’m going back to finish my ms.

9 thoughts on “I also have a dream

  1. Jenn,
    You know that not every writer writes the same, what you have is a style that is fresh & different (and I don't mean in a bad way). You could easily follow everyone else, but than it would not be you writing, it woould be a system.
    Hold Your Head High my girl because when you sell you are going to take the publishing industry on like a strom.


  2. Jenn, thank u for sending this youtube clip. It is truly amazing and brought tears to my eyes. Keep faith with your voice, with your own dreams – not some one elses, that way lies heartache and a life lived for some one else. A life half lived.
    Gonna go back & watch this clip again.
    Go girl.

  3. Jenn, you hold your dream close! Perfect analogy with the singer – I can see you blowing people away with your books in the future.

  4. Absolutely awesome and awe inspiring.

  5. Wow did that performance blow me away. Fantastic, and Jenn listen to your own heart and good on you for going back to your MS. And you know what – just by what this person criticized makes me want to read it – scarred heroine, a hero that isn’t perfect, and a story line to make people feel uncomfortable. Bring it on!!! :))

  6. Jen, protect your work. I lost my voice to over critiquing and it took me a LONNNNNNNNNG time to find it again. The book one crit partner trashed went onto sell with no revisions. So if you believe then your ultimate critque partner will be your editor. Get the m/s squeaky clean and send it out to the world and good luck!
    THANKS for the clip, it was awe-inspiring and sad all at the same time.

  7. Always write from the heart Jen, it’s the only thing that makes it worth the effort. Think about why you write and stay true to your own personal motivations. We need a range of different types of books to please a large and diverse audience. If you work on making your writing good, it will find a home eventually, regardless of whether it ‘fits’ with certain publishers’ expectations. Good luck!

  8. I love this clip. A friend sent this to me yesterday and what I said to her was I love the fact that someone from outside the mould suprised them all.

    Keep breaking the mould!


  9. I cried when I first saw this clip. She’s so gorgeous – I want to cuddle her!

    And yes, Jenn, as everyone else said stick to your dreams. Don’t let anyone get you down. Keep fighting – we’ll keep kicking butt together, Bootcamper!

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