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When did you last ‘dandle’?

I’m back following my little ‘C’-esta and can now say ‘C’-ya to the letter ‘C’ as I prepare to dabble with the letter ‘D’ for the next few posts as my journey through the dictionary to discover new and favourite words continues.

dandle: (v.t) to move lightly up and down, as a child on the knees or in the arms

delectation: adj. delight

denouncement: n. the final disentangling of the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or novel

diamantine: adj. resembling diamonds or the properties of diamonds (diamantine sky)

diatribe: n. a bitter attack or criticism.

discordant: adj. disagreeable to the ear; dissonant; harsh

disentangle: (v.t) untangle, to become free

dishabille: n. the state of being undressed, partly dressed

disingenuous: adj. lacking in frankness, or sincerity or dressed carelessly

dizzy: you all know it, but I love it. So many wonderful ways to use this word.

(PS: I can’t believe a Google Images search actually resulted in a dandle picture!)

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More ‘C’ words: crackers after crepuscular anyone?

I continue my Year of Words with more interesting ‘C’ words.

coterie: n. 1. a group of persons who associate closely, esp. for social purposes. 2. a clique

countrified (countryfied): adj. rustic or rural in appearance

coup de grace: n. 1. a death-blow, final blow, finishing stroke

cowal: n. (colloq) a swamp or small lake left by a depression outback country

craggy: adj. 1. full of crags, broken rocks  2. rugged, rough

cracker night: ahhh! the good ol’ days – tom thumbs, fountains, roman candles, rockets, and, of course, the spinning wheel on the old dunny door. No further explanation needed!

crepuscular: adj. resembling twilight; dim; indistinct

crestfallen: adj. 1. dejected; dispirited; depressed


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WEEK 11: Circumambient to Comeback (so pls do!)

circumambient: adj. surrounding; encompassing (circumambient gloom)

circumlocution: n. a roundabout way of speaking; the use of too many words

clammy: adj. covered with a cold, sticky moisture; old and damp

clottish: adj. foolish, silly

cloudburst: n. a sudden and very heavy rainfall

Cobar shower: n. a dust storm

cobble: v. 3. to mend; patch 4. to put together roughly or clumsily (they cobbled thier marriage back together)

cobbler: n. 1. one who mends shoes  2. a clumsy workman 3. a pie, and in Aust/NZ:  n. a wrinkled sheep that is difficult to shear

cock-a-hoop: adj. in a state of unrestrained joy or exultation

combative: adj. 1. capable of catching fire; inflammable  2. easily excited (his combative stare)

combustible: adj. 1. capable of catching fire; inflammable  2. easily excited (he had a combustible nature)

comeback: n. 4. a sheep breed to be suitable for wool or mutton

Okay – it’s been a few weeks since I felt my words warranted a sentence. This week was crying out for one. Enjoy!

Would my circumlocution be obvious if I was to tell you there was cock-a-hoop following the cloudburst that had put an end to the circumambient clamminess and washed away all signs of the Cobar shower that had dirtied the cobbler, making them look clottish.

Now please come back next week!