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Author Harvest ‘bales up’ Lia Weston

Author Harvest


Lia Weston - author picLovely Lia Weston is both a Simon & Schuster author and she joins me each month on the Writing Novels in Australia blog program.

See more about what Lia is up to at the end of this post, because right now we have more important things to discuss, like…

Is it scones and tea or some other homemade delight you have whipped up for me today?

I’ve made pistachio fudge, just to give you a break from all of the scones. No-one can resist its chocolate-y pistachio-y fudginess.


My mum says garden gnomes make a house a home! Are you loud and proud in your love of garden gnomes at home, a closet gnomer or with a strict ‘no gnomes’ policy at your place?

I’m a no-gnomer, though I do have a sneaking fondness for odd little statues; I have a set of the comedy/drama masks hidden in my garden. Fortunately no-one’s managed to stub a toe on them yet. Gnomes are too up-front for me; I like my secrets under cover.

What vegetable (or fruit) have you always wanted to grow at home?

Mangoes! But then I would never leave the house when they were in season. I’d just set up camp under the tree, eating them until I died of fructose poisoning.

(…or drown in bat and bird droppings — which would be the case at my place. I gave up trying to harvest them for myself.)

If I came to your home and looked in the refrigerator, what would I find?

As of right now: Greek feta, flaxseed oil, brie, quinoa, treacle, eggs with texta marks on them, three bottles of mineral water, Löwenbräu, sparkling wine, and a crisper stuffed full of vegetables.

(Ooh, I’m having an Aristos moment with that fridge. (Does everyone know who Aristos is? I loved him. So wish he’d ‘baled me up’ in my local supermarket.) Lia, I could do an Aristos with that lot, for sure. I could throw dinner together, we could drink and natter about how cool Simon & Schuster publishers are – not to mention what good taste they have! Speaking of good taste – pass the chocolate-y pistachio-y fudginess please.)

If you sorted your wardrobe by colour, what colour would stand out? (Ahh, do you sort your wardrobe by colour?!)

There is no need to sort my wardrobe by colour; it’s 99% black, with the odd sapphire blue t-shirt. (Guess who never quite grew out of her teenage Gothic phase?)

What are you wearing now? (Be honest!)

Black yoga pants, a black sleeveless top, and a black-and-grey striped jumper, which is the only striped item of clothing I have ever owned. No shoes, no makeup. I’m looking quite the stylish sloth.

(So you weren’t joking about the black clothes then?)

Whose home would you like to housesit and why?

Tim Burton, but mostly so I could steal all of his little trinkets.

(And feel right at home in black!)

Country curiosities…

We love a sunburnt country (slip, slop, slap and all that). What’s your ideal hat? Or are you a boots person?

I’m not big on sunlight—and hence tend to glow in the dark—so the largest, widest hat you can find will suit me very well. I don’t own gumboots or thongs, but feel I should probably make these purchases at some point, preferably before I turn 40.

(Not big on sunlight? Gothic black? Hmm. While that full-bodied red wine looks interesting, maybe I’ll pass on dinner. Besides… you don’t own thongs! Shame on you.)

If you were a tree (or animal) what kind of tree (animal) would you be?

I’d be a Labrador; I’m food-oriented, good-natured, have no sense of time and shed a lot of hair.

(Well, I love labradors. Just don’t tell my little white fluffies I said that. BTW – if I were a dog, I’d be a little white fluffy: annoying, yappy and snappy when not fed. So, more chocolate-y pistachio-y fudginess, please!)

Now for the big question… Why did the chicken cross the road?chicken crossing road

I believe chickens have no internal thought processes; it’s quite possible that even the chicken himself could not tell you. (It’s quite Zen, is it not?)

(I think you and this chook would get on, don’t you?)

About you…

Your turning point: when was that point in your life that you realized that being anLia The Fortunes Of Ruby White cover author was no longer going to be just a dream but a reality and a career?

It was probably when Simon & Schuster rang to offer me publication.  Up until that point, I had not actually thought getting published would be a possibility; I had thrown the manuscript out there to one publishing house to see if anything would happen.  I hadn’t thought it through at all.  I’m still reeling slightly from the fact that I have a book in print!

What is the hardest part of writing for you?

Managing my time. In between writing, I run a bicycle shop with my husband and work six days a week, sometimes seven, for quite long hours. When I get home, my priority is usually to scavenge for snacks and clean the house (not always in that order); writing tends to get shunted to the very late or very early hours. I am always looking for ways to squeeze more minutes and hours out of the day, not always successfully.

If someone was to write your biography, what do you think the title should be?

Easily Distracted: What Were We Talking About, Again?

(I believe you were about to pass me more chocolate-y pistachio-y fudginess!)

What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? How would you answer that question?

“Was it hard for you to turn down the opportunity to star in Simon Pegg’s latest movie so you could go on your sold-out book tour, and, speaking of that, does your hand ever get tired from signing your fans’ copies of your Pulitzer-Prize winner?”

“Yes, and yes. Can you pass me the gin, please?”

Fun stuff … 

What does your protagonist think about you? Would he or she want to hang out with you, the author, his/her creator.

I think Ruby from THE FORTUNES OF RUBY WHITE would definitely want to hang out with me, because she basically is me, just when I was in my early twenties.  She would probably be weirded out by how similar our tastes are. Then we would get drunk together and cry. Evie, from my latest manuscript (WELCOME TO PLEASANTVILLE), would bake me a delicious cake because I eventually gave her what she wanted, even if she didn’t realise initially that she wanted it.

(Yeah, those pesky protagonists!)

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

I’d never sniff at being Batman. Money, gadgets, getting to punch people who deserve it, and I think I’d look quite nifty in the outfit, even though it would need to be taken in in some places and let out in others.

(Batman black, yes, of course!)

If I said to you, “Just entertain me for five minutes, I’m not going to talk,” what would you do?

Nothing says, ‘sit here and don’t say anything’ like the awesome power of interpretive dance to Kate Bush’s Greatest Hits.

(Okay, I’d love to see you dance but… Kate Bush? I suddenly feel the need to find a ‘Wuthering Height’ to throw myself off!)

What food would you be?

That salty/sweet popcorn, because at first you’re thinking, “What the hell is this?” and after half a bag, you realise that it’s rather good and is there any more of it?

(Hmm, kinda like that chocolate-y pistachio-y fudginess stuff!)

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

A knife and a loaf.

Name 5 uses for a stapler that has not staple pins.

  1. Art installation entitled, “Office Space: A Tribute.”
  2. Projectile weapon to keep the possums out of the passionfruit vine.
  3. Percussion.
  4. Very bad harmonica. (and you so need to make sure it is truly stapleless first!)
  5. Small symbol of despair.

How weird are you? Rate yourself on a scale of 1 (not) to 10 (very).

5, because I think I’m quite normal but other people do not, so I’ll take an average.

Funny lady. Awesome author. S&S stablemate — and no, that does not mean we are a couple of old nags!

She gets funnier. Check out Lia’s site.


Another of Lia’s projects was a fabulous concept – The Life and Times of Chester Lewis. It’s a collection with a twist: 11 different authors wrote a chapter each to create a fictional biography of a central character. A fabulous (short but fascinating) read also featuring Helene Young. You can buy it, either in hard copy or as an eBook. Read more about it here:

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Author Harvest ‘bales up’ Anna Campbell w/ giveaway

Author Harvest

Oh be still my trembling tummy! Look who I’ve managed to ‘bale up’ on Author Harvest AND she has a book to giveaway to one lucky person, somewhere in the world.

Yes, it’s Regency romance author queen – Anna Campbell – who I am certain will have prepared a lavish feast fit for a contemporary fiction princess like me (although with queen-like aspirations) and also have rogues on hand (out of bed, but drapped in a shimmering gold toga and…. ) Okay, so, wrong century. Maybe we’ll just ask Anna…

What HAVE you prepared for me?

Hi Jenn! Delighted to be here with you today. Here, have one of my famous chocolate slices. I’ve got the kettle on for tea.

(Tea? Oh, right-o, no rogue then? That’s okay. Not sure I’d know what to do with one anyway. Hand me a choccie slice instead and tell me….)

At home…

My mum says garden gnomes make a house a home! Are you loud and proud in your love of garden gnomes at home, a closet gnomer or with a strict ‘no gnomes’ policy at your place?

No gnomes, no pack drill!

(No roaming rogues either?)

What vegetable (or fruit) have you always wanted to grow at home?

Actually I grew up on an avocado farm. Growing things to eat at home has always seemed too much like going to work as a result!

(Hmm, that reminds me, I must ask you about my heavily pruned Mango tree that’s developed a white fungus rather than leaves! On the bright side, that avo tree with wet feet we talked about a while back is still trying. Bless it!)

If I came to your home and looked in the refrigerator, what would I find?


(Woot! I’ll get the glasses. Wine – good. Company – good. Life – good! Who needs a rogue?)

If you sorted your wardrobe by colour, what colour would stand out? (Ahh, do you sort your wardrobe by colour?!)


(And I so thought you’d say shimmering gold satin!! Black, huh? Is that black as in classic black? As in the new black? Or as in grunge black? Or, Anna Campbell, are you a secret Goth under that mask of elegance?)

What are you wearing now? (Be honest!)

Snort! You’re out to destroy the glam romance writer image, aren’t you? Let’s go for stained lime green singlet from Target and navy shorts. Not Vogue material! Gardening Australia perhaps.

(Hmm, probably not even Gardening Australia!)

Whose home would you like to housesit and why?

Chatsworth, the Duke of Devonshire’s house in Derbyshire in England. As long as someone else did the housework! Hey, I’d like to live the lifestyle of my Regency characters for a while. Purely for research purposes, you understand.

(Sorry, could not possibly survive without a flushing toilet, a coffee machine, and a computer – possibly in that order.)

Country curiosities…

We love a sunburnt country (slip, slop, slap and all that). What’s your ideal hat? Or are you a boots person?

I’m a boots person. Always feel like I’m Queen of the World when I’ve got a pair of boots on.

If you were a tree (or animal) what kind of tree (animal) would you be?

I think I’d like to be a dolphin. All that surfing and playing? Sounds like fun.

Now for the big question… Why did the chicken cross the road?

To buy the latest Anna Campbell historical romance! That chicken has taste (especially when roasted).

(LOL – Hey, leave the jokes to the host, will ya! )

About you…

Your turning point: when was that point in your life that you realized that being an author was no longer going to be just a dream but a reality and a career?

I sold my debut historical romance CLAIMING THE COURTESAN at Easter 2006. That was the turning point for me – before that I’d pretty much convinced myself that it wasIMG_0775 never going to happen.

(OGG! 2006. I had no idea. I thought you’d been at ‘it’ for ages (the writing, not the rogues!) The things you learn on blog posts! I’m even more impressed. Now I also know why you love your Easter bunnies! here’s a celebratory bunny just for you.)

What is the hardest part of writing for you?

First drafts are tough.

If someone was to write your biography, what do you think the title should be?THH low res

She Has Wine in Her Fridge.

(Not anymore! Hic! Well, we are toasting the latest novella – These Haunted Hearts – aren’t we?)

Fun stuff…

If I said to you, “Just entertain me for five minutes, I’m not going to talk,” what would you do?

Play selections from shows on the piano. I do a mean “Stranger in Paradise”. Hmm, ‘mean’ has so many connotations, doesn’t it?

(Ah, yes, Kismet. I do love a musical. number or two. Love South Pacific, so maybe after Stranger in paradise we could spend One Enchanted Evening with a Bloody Mary or two, enjoy a little Happy Talk, before we Wash That Man Right Outa Our Hair, and end up feeling Younger Than Springtime!)

So… how many of you know what on earth I’m talking about?

What food would you be, Anna?

The big cheese – at least in my dreams.

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

Men in boots!

(And only boots? You cheeky minx, Anna Campbell. Have another drink. This interview is getting interesting.)

Name 5 uses for a stapler that has not staple pins.

  1. Paperweight.
  2. Burglar cosher.
  3. Toy mobile phone.
  4. Baby shark trainer.
  5. e-stapler

(LOL e-stapler. Love it!)

How weird are you? Rate yourself on a scale of 1 (not) to 10 (very).

Hmm, that would be telling!

Now for the GIVEAWAY…

Pour more champagne, someone, Anna Campbell will be sending a copy of her e-book These Haunted Hearts to one lucky commenter.

To go into the draw just tell us what we’d find if we peeped in your fridge. Wine is optional! (Open internationally. You have one week from now. Winner announced here.)

AND THE WINNER IS……. BRENDAAT59. Yay! Thanks to everyone for your comments – from wonderful to slightly weird! That was fun.

These Haunted Hearts is on Amazon and on Smashwords

And the blurb:

On one fateful wedding day at Marston Hall in 1818, four linked destinies hover in the balance.

Josiah Aston, Earl of Stansfield, wakes to discover he’s seventy years dead and he alone can free his beloved wife Isabella’s tormented soul. But first he must convince her to trust him against all the evidence…

Lady Isabella Verney, beautiful and tempestuous, married the man of her dreams, only to die violently on her wedding day. Every clue points to Josiah as the murderer…

Is true love strong enough to defeat ancient malevolence forever?

Miles Hartley, Viscount Kendall, is society’s ideal catch, but what does that matter if he can’t convince Calista Aston that he loves her? When an age-old curse strikes, only by proving himself worthy of her faith can he save their happiness…

Lady Calista Aston, noted bluestocking, fears she loves Miles Hartley not wisely, but too well. On her wedding day, her doubts place her at evil’s mercy. When death and disaster loom, is it courage or mad folly to believe that Miles loves her in spite of all her faults?

On one fateful wedding day at Marston Hall in 1818, will the lovers emerge triumphant or will darkness conquer all?

Website link to read an excerpt. If you don’t know Anna, or if you haven’t seen her gorgeous books, check out her website:

Posted on 10 Comments

Author Harvest ‘bales up’ Margareta Osborn

Author Harvest

I’m delighted to ‘bale up’ Margareta Osborn, now in her third reprint on Hope’s Road (even before she’s turned the first bend!!) And I don’t even have to ask what treat she has for me today. There’s always a billy boiling at her place.

Margareta OsbornBut I will ask …

At home, Margareta …

My mum says garden gnomes make a house a home! Are you loud and proud in your love of garden gnomes at home – or a closet gnomer?

Quite frankly, gnomes and I have never gotten on. It’s a hangover from my Enid Blyton days. I have fairies in my garden instead. They’ve relocated from a fairy tree, which is at my cousin’s paddock called ‘The River’ (for obvious reasons). This magnificent tree is a big old River Red Gum with windows and doors observable in the bark. Truly.

(Maybe we need to see this tree, or have you been burning the wrong kind of twigs under that boiling billy?)

What vegetable (or fruit) have you always wanted to grow at home?

None. I was once a vegetable farmer. Never again.

(Fair enough.)

If I came to your home and looked in the refrigerator, what would I find?

Salad, salad, salad. I’m on a healthy diet kick. Otherwise, meat, meat, meat, cheese, cheese, cheese and milk, milk, milk. What more can I say? My family are dairy farmersPastedGraphic-1 and we run beef.

(Yum! Yum! Yum! Only don’t give me milk straight from the cow, like my uncle did when I was young, unless you want a projectile vomit hitting your computer screen!)

(Oh and BTW – I love your meat, meat, meat, cheese, cheese, cheese and milk, milk, milk. I have a character in House for all Seasons who likes to repeat himself in much the same way. Much, much the same way!)

If you sorted your wardrobe by colour, what colour would stand out? (Ahh, do you sort your wardrobe by colour?!)

Pink … and denim. I buy one dress a year for my book launch. This year’s is black with a gold sequined bodice. I love it!

(I saw the pics – and the shoes. Noice!)

What are you wearing now? (Be honest!)

I wish I could say something decadent like a silk night-gown, lace teddy or one of those long flowing kaftan thingys that Barbara Cartland wore. But, being honest, I’m wearing what I usually wear. Jeans, cotton shirt and boots. They’re very nice boots though 🙂

(You’re part way to channelling Babs with your penchant for pink!)

Country curiosities…

We love a sunburnt country (slip, slop, slap and all that). What’s your ideal hat? Or are you a boots person?

Peaked cap or my battered old Akubra. I have boots too – endless boots. There’s my Ariat high tops, my good R.M.’s, my middle R.M.’s and my stuffed but still hanging in there R.M.’s. Then I have my Redbacks, gumboots … But what I’m really renown for around here is my coats. I cannot … and I repeat cannot walk past a nice coat without buying it. My only excuse? I hate being cold. (My father’s fetish is torches :))

(And you would be the shining light. Aww!)

If you were a tree (or animal) what kind of tree (animal) would you be?

A Gum Tree. I love my trees. Stringybarks, Mountain Ash, Scribbly Gums, Black Box, Grey Box, and I adore the more decadent WA varieties – Salmon Gums, Spotted Gums. It all comes from spending countless hours riding horses and four wheel driving through the bush and mountains of my home. And don’t get me started on wildflowers …

(WA, I’ll give you top marks for your wildflowers, but you don’t have the biggest gum trees – okay?!)

Now for the big question… Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because he was a bloody idiot? Oh, but that would make him a rooster rather than a chook… but then you did say chicken, didn’t you? And it’s a bit hard to tell whether a chicken is a chook or a rooster for a while, so I say, because he’s a he.  A chook HOPE'S ROAD FINAL FRONT COVERwould’ve walked up to the pedestrian crossing. 🙂

(So true. So true.)

About you…

Your turning point: when was that point in your life that you realized that being an author was no longer going to be just a dream but a reality and a career?

A Reality? The day my agent rang and told me I had a publishing contract. I screamed into the toilet rolls at our local IGA supermarket.

(LOL, I would’ve like seeing that!)

A Career? The day Bella’s Run arrived in the mail at our general store. I raced in to collect it in my gumboots, didn’t open it until I got home where my husband had to do the honours as I was shaking so much.

(I couldn’t even drive to the PO Box for House for all Seasons. I waited (read: paced) at home waiting for them the come to me!)

What is the hardest part of writing for you?

Time. My life is always about trying to fit everything in. Writing, farming, children, husband, family and all the associated commitments.

If someone was to write your biography, what do you think the title should be?

Hell on Wheels (and in boots!)

What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? How would you answer that question?

Q. Are your sex scenes based on experience?

A. That’s for me and my husband to know and you to wonder about 😉

(Not touching that one!)

Fun stuff … 

What does your protagonist think about you? Would he or she want to hang out with you, the author, his/her creator.

Well I don’t know about the protagonist, but I’d sure as hell would like to hang out with the hero. My Dog Trapper, Travis Hunter, is to die for. I’d gladly swap places with my protagonist, Tammy McCauley.

(And what does hubby think about that?)

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

Jessica from A Man from Snowy River. I want to be on that horse in those mountains with Jim Craig kissing ME!

(Ahh, again – the word ‘husband’ comes to mind!)

If I said to you, “Just entertain me for five minutes, I’m not going to talk,” what would you do?

Give you HOPE’S ROAD to read. We wouldn’t hear from you for hours 🙂

(Bring it on!)

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

Unsliced bread, warm from the combustion oven, torn apart in hunks and slathered with fresh butter and yummy homemade raspberry jam.

Name 5 uses for a stapler that has not staple pins.

  1. Whacking spiders.
  2. Ruling lines when you can’t find a ruler because someone has them all out in the shed — namely my husband. (Oh, so, Miss ‘I wanna kiss Jim Craig’ is complaining that hubby has the rulers in the shed!)
  3. Banging in tacks when you can’t find the hammer because all hammers are in the ute or on the tray of the motorbike.
  4. Slamming the door shut because the kids are yelling, you’re trying to write and you can’t quite reach the door …
  5. Slamming onto the bench in frustration because the kids are yelling, you’re trying to write and even with the darn stapler in your hand you can’t quite reach the door… GRRRRRR.

How weird are you? Rate yourself on a scale of 1 (not) to 10 (very).

You seriously want me to answer that question? In my eyes, 4. In my families eyes probably 7, in my friends eyes probably 10. But hey, they still love me (I think).

(We’re writers. We talk to ourselves and fall in love with fictional friends. We’re all a 10!)

Thanks for joining Author Harvest.

Everything you need to know about Margareta, and her fabulous novels, is right here.

About Hope’s Road

In the rugged and beautiful high country of East Gippsland, HOPE’S ROAD connects three very different properties and three very different lives.

Sixty years ago, heartbroken and betrayed, old Joe McCauley turned his back on his family and their fifth-generation farm, Montmorency Downs. He now spends his days as a recluse, spying upon the land – and the granddaughter – that should by rights have been his.

For Tammy McCauley, Montmorency Downs is the last remaining ties to her family. But land can make or break you – and, with her husband’s latest treachery, how long can she on to it?

Wild-dog trapper, Travis Hunter, is struggling as a single dad, unable to give his son, Billy, the thing he craves most. A complete family.

The, out of the blue, a terrible event forces the three neighbours to confront each other – and the mistakes of their past …