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Author Harvest ‘bales up’ Karen M. Davis w/ giveaway

Author HarvestI’m not ‘baling up’ fellow Simon & Schuster author, Karen, M. Davis, I’m interrogating her – and I can be ruthless when I want the truth. To prove it I said to Karen, “Pretty please, can I have a copy of your amazing debut novel, Sinister Intent, to give away.” She said yes! Yay!

So now I’m hoping this ex-cop can cook!

What have we got on the menu today, Karen?

Karen M DavisSorry Jenn, I’m not much of a scone expert. I’d rather cheese and biscuits with a glass of wine… Is it too early for that?

(I don’t believe it’s illegal to indulge in a little tipple or two in the privacy of one’s own home, Karen. So pass the glass and – as they say on the firing range – “Load ’em up!”)

At home …

My mum always said garden gnomes make a house a home! Are you loud and proud in your love of garden gnomes at home, a closet gnomer, or with a strict ‘no gnomes’ policy at your place?

I have a few gnomes in my garden. They are animals though; little dogs, frogs, I even have a monkey. Do they count?

(Anything counts if they are small and stoned … err, sorry Officer, of course I mean made of stone!)

What vegetable (or fruit) have you always wanted to grow at home?

I’ve grown a few; tomatoes, coriander, lettuce and some other herbs. They didn’t last long. I have a very brown thumb.

(Herbs? Legal herbs, one assumes, Karen! Or as my ex-copper dad – who is here right now while I write this – used to call those illegal varieties: whacky-t’backy!)

If I came to your home and looked in the refrigerator, what would I find?

Cheese, eggs, milk, a bit of chocolate hidden at the back so I don’t see it all the time. Sinister Intent front pageNothing that exciting really… And a bottle of chardonnay or two. For emergencies.

(Or for celebrating. And you deserve to be doing lots of that!)

If you sorted your wardrobe by colour, what colour would stand out? (Ahh, do you sort your wardrobe by colour?!)

I don’t sort my wardrobe by colour. Is that normal or not? But you would find a lot of purple, black and some pink. Oh and a bit of grey – it goes with everything.

(We do not judge normal on Author Harvest! And I gather you are over blue after 20 years!)

What are you wearing now? (Be honest!)

Since I am sitting at the computer I am wearing a track suit (not very glamorous at all) and Ugg boots because it is freezing.

(And what were you wearing on the night of …. Oh, sorry, getting carried away!)

Whose home would you like to housesit and why?

I love my own home in the southern suburbs of Sydney but if Brad Pitt asked me to mind one of his mansions, I don’t think I could resist.

(With or without Brad Pitt in situ? And would handcuffs be involved?)

Country curiosities…

We love a sunburnt country (slip, slop, slap and all that). What’s your ideal hat? Or are you a boots person?

I don’t really wear hats. I do wear boots all the time in winter though.

(Is the hat thing as a result of twenty years of wearing a uniform?)

If you were a tree (or animal) what kind of tree (animal) would you be?

I would be one of your dogs because they look like they have the perfect life. Ha ha. Or a horse. I love horses but wouldn’t really want to carry someone around on my back.

(You’re right about the horse thing. Being one of my dogs is a much better idea.)

Now for the big question… Why did the chicken cross the road?

To find a rooster that looks like the Commando off the biggest loser. You can see how my mind works can’t you?

(A commando chook?)

About you…

Your turning point: when was that point in your life that you realized that being an author was no longer going to be just a dream but a reality and a career?

Having been a police officer for twenty years and having to leave due to an injury in 2007, I was at a loss for what to do with myself. My mother – author of twelve best-selling novels, Lynne Wilding, suggested I put my police experiences down on paper. Her agent, Selwa Anthony, suggested I try to turn them into fiction. It took me a long time to figure out how to do this but that is how it started. I discovered my love of writing later in life due to an unforeseen change of circumstance.

What is the hardest part of writing for you?

Since I write crime fiction, which of course with my background is what I know and love, I struggle to find the right balance between reality and fiction. I know what it is really like to be a detective, what goes on in a police station, the inner conflicts, the politics, and personality clashes. Of course not all of this stuff is interesting. Neither is all police work. A lot of it is mundane, routine and full of lots of paperwork so this is my biggest issue when writing. I want to keep it real but not at the cost of boring the reader to sleep…

(No one will fall asleep reading Sinister Intent!)

If someone was to write your biography, what do you think the title should be?

I have written an autobiography – which was my first attempt at putting a manuscript together. It was not so much about my personal life but mainly about my police experiences; the good, the bad, the traumatic and the funny. I called it “Cop This.”

(Well, that’s the first time anyone has answered that question for real!)

What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? How would you answer that question?

I’ve never really thought about being interviewed until recently. I am used to doing the interviewing not being the interviewee. Cops are very guarded, for obvious reasons. When I was interviewed by a reported for the Sydney Morning Herald last week I kept asking him the questions. I had to eventually tell myself to shut-up and let him do the asking. I am struggling with getting used to talking about myself but know I have to get used to it.

(I hear duct tape across the mouth is a handy silencer in some circles!)

Fun stuff … 

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

No one really. Is that boring? I am happy with my life, my family and friends. Though it might be nice to be Tatum Channing’s wife for a while…

(I’m seeing a pattern emerging here, you greedy girl. You have a dashing detective already and he’s definitely a Brad/Tatum/Commando type guy. BTW – Do detectives carry handcuffs?)

If I said to you, “Just entertain me for five minutes, I’m not going to talk,” what would you do?

I’d start telling you about my life. I think I could hold your attention for five minutes although any longer than that I’m not sure…

(Handcuffs hold my attention? Is there a pattern emerging here?)

What food would you be?

Maybe a grape? I don’t know why.

(Add sugar and a little crush and you’re a wine!)

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

A loaf of bread? Not very imaginative am I?

(I’m thinking you put all that imagination into Sinister Intent. At least I hope it’s mostly imaginary!!!!!)

Name 5 uses for a stapler that has not staple pins.

You could hit someone over the head with it four times and use it as a paperweight once.

(LOL .That’s a top five answer.)

How weird are you? Rate yourself on a scale of 1 (not) to 10 (very).

I am not weird at all. I am perfectly normal. Although my psychiatrist says otherwise.

ENTER TO WIN: Leave a comment and tell us when you were last arrested…. Nah, only joking. Tell us who you’d like to handcuff yourself to for 24 hours!  Winner drawn one week from date of post. (Aust & NZ readers) CLOSED Winner posted in comments below

Investigate Karen M. Davis a little more: READ a chapter. TAKE A TOUR with the author to real-life locations. BUY.

Or CLICK the image below


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Check out all the 2012/13 Author Harvest authors: HERE




16 thoughts on “Author Harvest ‘bales up’ Karen M. Davis w/ giveaway

  1. How wonderful to have first hand knowledge like yours, Karen. It’s the little authentic details that add so much to how I enjoy a story but you’re right, the balance is important too. I’m looking forward to reading Sinister Intent, especially knowing it is realistic and true to life. Best wishes.

  2. Sounds like a great book. I like stories that are true to life.
    I’d probably like to be hand cuffed to something nice & comfortable with a good book.

    All the very best with your book Karen.

    1. LOL nice safe answer, Kath!!!!! Love it!

  3. A great interview Jenn, I think Karen better keep her handcuffs away from you though!
    Don’t enter me for the comp, I have already read and really enjoyed Sinister Intent and I wish Karen much success with it.

    1. Thank you Shelleyrae’s I’m very excited for Karen.

  4. Great post Jenn and Karen! I can’t wait to read Sinister Intent 🙂 My sort of book!! Don’t put me into the draw either as I have already purchased my copy 🙂

    1. You’re the best, Brenda. but you can still tell us who you want to be handcuffed to!!!!!!!!

  5. Coolest interview – great answers, Karen. Congrats on the book – which sound great. Jenn’s dog… hmmmm.

    1. LOL, Rae, doggy heaven here and I’m sure Floss gets the same royal treatment!!!

  6. Great interview ladies! Still smiling. Don’t put me in the draw – I already have a copy. xx

  7. Thanks for the interview it was interesting
    Who would I like to be handcuffed to for 24 hours is quite simple
    to Nora Roberts, and in that time she could be me on the right
    track to write and publish Australia’s greatest romantic novel.

    1. LOL Rob, good choice. Did you, however, stop to think that her typing ability might be a little hindered by the hand cuffs????? Good luck.

    2. Rob! Congratulations. Karen happen to love Nora Roberts too so good choice. Send me your postal address via DM or my contact form or email and a signed copy of Sinister Intent will be uncuffed and sent your way very soon. It’s Karen’s launch to today so I’m off to post to her Facebook page.

  8. Can’t wait to read Karen’s book. I would have to say handcuffed to my hubby ’cause he’s my hero (my high school sweetheart, together 27 years now)!

    1. 27 years together without handcuffs? Well done!! 😉 Good luck and Thx for dropping by.

  9. Thanks to everyone. Karen happens to love Nora Roberts so Rob Hamond is the lucky recipient thins time. It’s Karen’s launch to today so I’m off to post to her Facebook page. Thank you everyone for dropping by.

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