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Any other nuts out there?

I must be nuts! Did anyone else enter 3 sentences into the Knight Agency’s Book in a Nutshell competition?

I did – one of 1200 entries it would appear!!!!!!! So I’ve been hanging around the Knight Agency blog waiting for results (they’d said by May 1). Here is the latest update.

Just wanted to let everyone know that the TKA agents are all busy whittling down the entries in the Book-in-a-Nutshell contest. Our fabulous Melissa Jeglinski has cut down the more than 1200 submissions!! to a much-less-scary 70 or so. Each of us is reading all of the remaining entries and we’ll be cutting it down further from there. We have some fabulous stuff, and everyone who entered should be commended for distilling their stories down to our three-sentence limit. Great job, all of you!

I’m not nutty enough to think I’ll make the cut, but I really did enjoy the challenge. It was a fabulous writing excercise.

3 thoughts on “Any other nuts out there?

  1. Jenn, you just never know – look what your last quicky submission did!!

    Fingers crossed for you.

  2. Why won’t you make the cut, you have just as much of a chance as anyone else. I plum forgot all about it. LOL.

    Good luck, you’re a winner no matter what.

  3. Good luck, Jenn!!!

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