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Thirty Years Ago Today

May 1, 1984 …

This was life – on the road, on the adventure of a lifetime, working our way around the country in a truck and a tent, no thought as to when we might stop or return to our Sydney suburb homes.

With $400 in the bank my family thought I was crazy. (What was a hairdresser/makeup artist going to do without a hairdryer and mirror for two or more years?)

The trip lasted almost three years, only coming to a close due to family illness.

Here I am thirty years later and the adventure has never ended. The things I’ve been able to do and accomplish have been a wild ride. (I’ve dined with queens, protected princes, and escorted stars – big and small. I’ve swum with crocs, jailed crooks, and hunted down ghosts. I’ve raised money for kids, made a difference where I can and right now I’m trying to be the best author I know how to be. (And if you’ve read the dedication in my latest book, Simmering Season, you’ll know who has helped me find my way through life.)

I am a great believer in sliding doors (in fact Sliding Doors is a favourite movie). Had I not done this, that or the other I would not be where I am now…

And where am I now?

Starting all over again, only with a little more luxury this time. (More on that later.) The house is on the market (wanna buy a house?) and my shiny new Southern Cross caravan is being collected later this month.

Soon, hopefully, it will be time to discover more small towns to inspire new stories.

Stay tuned. Life will start to get very interesting – a writer living in and under the southern cross! I may even make it to a town near you.