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Week 9 words: Let’s ‘C’ (with a tiny erotic twist!)

Hmmm, of course you popped over to learn about ‘C’ words and not the picture (or was it the erotic twist!)

No my usual style, that’s true, but hey, ‘C’ is for Chippendales. It is also for Chaos, a good ‘C’ word for me as bissextile day (see previous post!) approaches and my various writing responsibilities (forum moderator, conference registrar, author – and yes, I’m enjoying my first round of edits on House For All Seasons) converge.

So here are some ‘C’ words you might find interesting or useful. Starting with what could also be the collective noun for a bunch of erotic romance writers!!!

Cabal: n. a small group of secret plotters!!!

Okay… serious now.

Cabriole: n. 1. (furniture) a leg; curved, tapering, often ending in the form of an animal’s paw. Used by Chippendale (Calm down erotic writers. It’s the furniture Chippendales, not the male dancer Chippendales)

Cacography: n. 1. bad handwriting. opp. of calligraphy.

Cacophony: n. harsh sound, dissonance (my Dad’s always loved this so I made it my signature word)

Camiknickers: n. an undergarment combining camisole and panties (official erotica wear perhaps!)

Canary sassafras: n. a rainforest tree of the Aust. east coast, the bark of which was used  by early settlers as a tea substitute and tonic (I included this as I love saying ‘sassafras’)

Candied: adj. honeyed, sweet, flattering

Cantankerous: adj. Contrary (me as a child according to my dad!)

Captious: adj. apt to make much of trivial faults or defects; difficult to please.

Okay, back to ‘C’ for chaos. So ‘C’ you next week.

1 thought on “Week 9 words: Let’s ‘C’ (with a tiny erotic twist!)

  1. Hey Jenn,
    I do love the randomness of your selection. Whatever tickles your fancy. Keep it up.

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