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Six Degrees by Honey Brown: Review

Six Degrees by Honey BrownI was excited and delighted when asked to read Honey Brown’s, Six Degrees, prior to release.

When I say there is something for everyone in this book, I really mean . . .  THERE IS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!

With a foray into a genre different from her full-length novels, Honey Brown proves she’s an author for every reader. (And any reader who says they can’t relate to one of the six short stories that makes up the Six Degrees reading experience, well, they’re just not being honest!)

Six Degrees takes you to places you’ve never thought you’d go—and I’m not talking geography! 😉  In saying that, Honey’s writing transports you from the seedy skimpy bars of a WA mining community to the ‘so-called’ safe suburbs (with a desperate housewife, or two.)

For the reader, Six Degrees provides a keyhole view into all walks of life, what lurks behind closed doors, and even what’s right under our noses.

For the writer, Honey has provided a text book for great characterisation. (And not a cliché in sight!)

Cleverly structure and sublime writing are the cornerstone of this novella which I read in one sitting. I am a fan of a novel written in parts, in which the individual stories turn out to be more than the sum their parts. (I used a four short story structure for House for all Seasons, with a clever twist at the end.) Six Degrees most definitely hits the mark, and while Honey wraps up the six stories, she left me wanting more, more, MORE!

This was a hard book to put down and an easy book to review, even though slightly confronting at times. Six Degrees will, I’m sure, both surprise and delight Honey Brown followers, like me, and bring her a whole new bunch of fans.