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Ready to lose your erotic genre virginity like me?

The YearningThe Yearning, by Kate Belle, is being marketed as New Adult and age-wise I am a long way from New Adult! But I have been curious about Kate’s new novel. Then I saw the cover (yet another mesmerizing design from Simon & Schuster) and I decided to give this book a shot.

Since erotic fiction hit mainstream publishing lists, I have been wondering if the genre is for me, trying several books to see what all the fuss is about. I can be a bit of a fuddy duddy, and with my reading-for-pleasure time in short supply these days, erotic fiction is not on the top of my list. What I noticed most was that the ‘mechanics’ of the sex scenes tended to add a clunkiness and overshadow the plot (when there is one!)

My first comment about The Yearning is this…

It’s a shame a novel like this has to be categorized (largely so a bookseller knows where to plonk it on a shelf—cyber or real). It’s a shame because there will be people who’ll have their perception skewed as a result of a generic genre label and miss out on a wonderful reading experience.

I loved everything about this story: the writing is evocative, the storyline compelling, the biblical references intriguing. The Yearning is a truly unique and superbly crafted novel and while the author leaves nothing to the imagination, she handles the most intimate scenes deftly, delivering a soft, flowing, sensual (and sensory) journey of a teenage girl’s sexual awakening. I initially worried about the basic premise (blurb)—small town schoolgirl and older, unconventional male teacher in the free and easy seventies. I also thought I knew how the story would pan out. (Pretty predictable stuff this erotic fiction, you know?)

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! And all I can say (after scraping the egg off my face) is Wow! Wow! Wow!

Wow to the clever, clever plot that, despite the small format paperback of only 300-odd pages, packs a punch in so many ways. Wow to the hauntingly beautiful prose and description that will transport you to a different time and place (and if you are my age, to a few fond memories of that fun-loving decade). Wow to the complex characters, the divine descriptions of small town life, and the delicious metaphors that bring this story to life. The Yearning is a fully dimensional read with great characterisations, beautiful prose, a proper narrative arc and a well-developed theme. The erotic elements are integral and necessary to the story—hence the label!

So… not into erotic fiction? I didn’t think I was either. Still not sure I am. I just know I loved The Yearning and I am so glad I took the genre plunge.

If you don’t want to be like me—a fuddy-duddy—and should you choose to lose your erotic genre virginity and see what all the fuss is about, this is the book—although I fear this novel may have ruined me for any other!

(I have to disclose that Kate Belle and I share the same publisher and I’m very glad. If not for that I may have missed out on reading this novel, which would’ve been a shame because it is absolutely beautiful—from the cover until the very last page.)

The Yearning has left me with a craving, so I look forward to more from Kate Belle.

Need more? Check this article out – written by Kate Belle.

Buy the book. Available in print om May 1. But you can download it now to your e-reader. Buy links.

15 thoughts on “Ready to lose your erotic genre virginity like me?

  1. It does look good! I have to say I’m a bit of a fuddy-duddy as well, so your recommendation is duly noted 🙂

    1. Kerrie, I’d go so far as to say for a writer it’s even more powerful a read.

  2. Right, it’s been a while since I was a virgin of any kind, so how could I pass on your invitation, Jenn 😉
    I second your statement about Kate’s writing. Phenomenal would be a good description.
    Thanks for a great post and making me feel young and virginal again, Kate and Jenn 🙂

    1. Wow! Young AND virginal. At least I still called myself an old fuddy duddy. LOL. Thx for dropping by Juanita.

  3. Sounds great – also duly noted. Sounds inspiring.
    And I hear you’re going to be blogging with Zana Bell on the Choc Lit site soon – hope it’s fun – she’s great. Rae

    1. I am blogging with Zana. I ‘met’ her a long time back after reading her Forbidden Fronteir. Thx Rae.

  4. Wow, Jen. So very flattered with this review. And so glad you braved the plunge and weren’t disappointed. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    Perhaps you should stick to literary erotic fiction, as this tends to have elements you seem to be missing in commercial erotic fiction. I can suggest Tobsha Learner’s short story collections. Her work is amazing. Lyrical, often mythical, and beautifully rendered.

    1. Ha! I didn’t kbnow there was literary erotic fiction, Kate. I’ll have to check it out so I can see why The Yearning is not classes as such!!

  5. Wow. Looks like a different but rewarding read. Especially for another fuddy duddy such as myself!

    1. Willa, it is full on but fascinating amd yes, for a writer, there is a lot to learn from Kate.

  6. You’ve sold me, Jenn!

    1. As long as you realise it is no House for all Seasons (not even a breath of sex in that one!!). seriously, You will love it…. Both the story and the writing.

  7. […] J McLeod – tells how she lost her erotic fiction virginity and she ‘bales up’ the lovely Elise Ackers on Author […]

  8. […] by Jenn J McLeod; Marcia at Book Muster Down Under; Shelleyrae at Book’d Out; Monique at Write Note Reviews;  […]

  9. […] and very annoying pets. The Yearning was released in 2013 to rave reviews. (Mine was one of them: My review of Kate’s first book – The Yearning – or How I lost my erotic genre […]

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